Artist: John Romita Jr.
Publisher: Marvel Comics (1998)
Includes: Thor #1-13
I'm not necessarily a big fan of Dan Jurgens work, but I enjoyed what he was doing on this run of Thor. I am a big fan of John Romita Jr.'s work and I felt this was some of his best stuff.
This series is what makes Thor great...quiet human moments that build to a glorious and godly epic battle between good and evil. As a relaunch this was pretty damn good. Unfortunately, it didn't last much past the initial 13 issues; which is ironic because on the 13th issue Dan makes a plea in the back for readers not to abandon the series. Sorry Dan I was one of those that jumped ship after the 13th issue.
There is something also VERY weird about this 13 issue storyline, beyond it being 13 issues instead of 12. Some of the issues in this run were put into a TPB but not all of them. Marvel put out a TPB called Resurrection that only included the first two issues. Then they put out a second TPB called The Dark Gods that was only issues #9-13. There was never a TPB of issues #3-8; which just strikes me as weird. Why have a chunk of the story missing?
So Marvel how about it, a TPB that includes all 13 issues would be great!
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