Monday, September 4, 2023

Eddie Paskey....AKA - Lt Leslie

via Todd Young, "Eddie Paskey....AKA - Lt Leslie...he has a unique distinction in ST: TOS. He is the only red shirt crewman in more episodes than Sulu or Chekov (54). The only red shirt crewman to be killed (Obsession), and be back on duty in the next episode (Wolf in the Fold). The only red shirt crewman to commit mutiny not once (This Side of Paradise), but TWICE (And the Children Shall Lead) - albeit both times under alien influence.

Paskey credited the longevity of his character to his sense of caution. Since he was on the set most of the time and knew the script well, he made sure that he was always elsewhere when an episode called for someone to die.

He often acted as a stunt double for William Shatner and James Doohan, and he was the driver of the truck in the scene where character Edith Keeler (Joan Collins) is struck down and killed (City on the Edge of Forever).

A bad back and cluster headaches from an old injury, which worsened from the set lighting, led to his leaving the show in the third season. Paskey later admitted in a July 1988 Starlog Magazine interview that once the pain had gone, he tried to return to acting but had lost many of his Hollywood contacts while working on Star Trek, and eventually retired from the acting profession. 
Paskey passed away on Aug. 17, 2021, age 81."

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