Friday, September 16, 2022

Rob's Room: Batgirl Trailer


Esteban "Chino" Decker said...

another movie that wasn't. It reminded me of Aquaman's with the actor who played Green Arrow in Smallville and Wonder Woman's with the actress from GI Joe of Lady Laye. I know these were pilot episodes just like Justice League of America.

Esteban "Chino" Decker said...

Batgirl, could have been a good thing. We missed the Batman of the 90's

Tonebone said...

Looks like we, unlike Batgirl, dodged a bullet.

Esteban "Chino" Decker said...

The truth is that I was hoping it would be a good action movie. I would even say that it would be better than Batman and Robin with George Clooney 😂The truth is that I was hoping it would be a good action movie. I would even say that it would be better than Batman and Robin with George Clooney 😂