Friday, April 1, 2022

Rob's Room:Teletubbies 25th Anniversary

Teletubbies 25th Anniversary - they somehow manage to both fascinate and freak me out at the same time! (...kinda like Cal and his Banana Splits "friends"...) ;)


Tonebone said...

I used to be the manager of an art department at a game studio, and I had a young animator who started showing up late, routinely. Finally, I had to confront him and his excuse was that just as he was leaving his apartment, Teletubbies came on, and as soon as he saw the baby's face in the sun, he was transfixed and had to sit down and watch the show.

Now, as to why a single, childless 22 year old man is watching PBS kids' education lineup as he's getting ready for work... I didn't ask.

Rob said...

Haha! I love that story! "The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care" - Emily Dickinson.
I confess I have the green Teletubbie stuffed animal in my office (it makes upsetting vocalizations when you squeeze it's tummy... yeah... I wrote tummy!). For years, a friend and I would gift it back & forth to each other on birthdays/holidays. I somehow ended up with the cursed creature!