Monday, July 12, 2021

Rob's Room: Wonder Woman's Rogues Gallery Statue by XM Studios

Wonder Woman's Rogues Gallery Statue by XM Studios. (via Bleeding Cool

It's beautiful work, but how many people have the kind of money to waste spend $2,712 on a WW statue...? I honestly don't get it - even if I had the money, I'd (hopefully) choose to spend it differently. I think the most I've spent on a collectable was ~$150 for the DKR Mezco figure - and even that seemed like I was being far too extravagant (I even justified it to myself by asking for Amazon gift cards on my bday to defray that cost). Am curious, what it the most you are willing to spend on this kind of merchandise?

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's a beautiful piece but too pricey. I regularly get my kotobukiya figure statues of the marvel and dc girls and they go for 120 a pop but they only release 4 or five new ones a year so I can handle that nut