Thursday, July 15, 2021

Rob's Room: The Shadow Blitz!

If you are a fan of "pulp" heroes, also check out this Phantom-palooza post!


j-swin said...

Great blitz, love the pulp heroes! All you need now is a Phantom and a Doc Savage blitz and you’ll have the whole set.

Rob said...

Thanks, j-swin! I had actually done a Phantom post at your suggestion a few years ago! Will link to it in this post (cuz I don't know if I can improve upon that one).
Honestly, I don't know enough about Doc Savage... got any recommendations on where to start?

j-swin said...

Oh I just enjoy the internets, I don’t try to impede upon it’s greatness.
Although, I always thought the Bantam book covers were great. So dark and mysterious.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I could steal this whole collection. Loves me The Shadow.