Friday, July 16, 2021

Rob's Room: Carl Sagan calls out Star Wars on a few fronts...

Wait... was Carl Sagan one of the first to call out the Wookie not receiving a medal at the end of Star Wars?


Tonebone said...

Yet another science/science fiction author who judged Star Wars on a Science Fiction criteria. It wasn't science fiction.. it was fantasy. It was a fairy tale.

By his reckoning, he seems to say that if only the characters were represented by creatures other than white humans, it would all be science-fictionally kosher. NOTHING in Star Wars adheres to any standards of science or science fiction. To call out "they're all human" or "they're all white" is so pedantic as to be ridiculous.

I remember Harlan Ellison's review of Star Wars, at the time, and his one major gripe was that there was sound in space. Really? That's where you think the movie is scientifically inaccurate? That's the hill you are willing to die on?

I am also reminded of Neal Degrasse Tyson and his CONSTANT retelling of how he told James Cameron that the starfield you see as the Titanic sinks was wrong. We get it. You're smarter than all of us. And, seemingly, that keeps you from enjoying things. Glad I'm not that smart, I guess.

The Dork said...

Science-Fantasy is different then Science-Fiction.

Science fiction takes place in the future, contains advanced technology, & the story is based on a "what if" question. Ex. Blade Runner (in the near future, robots, & asks what makes us human)

Science fantasy takes place in any time, contains advance technology & supernatural powers, & the story is based on a goal. Ex. Star Wars (long time ago, space ships & Jedi powers, & defeat the Empire)

Here is a quick comparison - Star Trek is science fiction & Star Wars is science fantasy.

Tonebone said...

Yeah, that's what I was saying... Sagan is judging it as Science Fiction, which it's not.