Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Buckaroo Banzai


Tonebone said...

When I saw Buckaroo Banzai in the theater, I thought "This is it. This will be so big... the biggest movie ever. I can't wait for the sequel, the toys, the comics... this will be as big as Star Wars."

Play sad trombone.

I genuinely love this movie, and the whole world it builds. Sadly, it never got it's sequels, it's toys, it's day in the sun. But maybe that's better. The "franchise" that could have been built from this would probably just disappoint, and then there would be the Melissa Mccarthy/Seth Rogan reboot, 20 years later, and I would grow to loathe the thing I love. I'm sure the sequels we imagine are probably better than the ones Hollywood would give us.

The Dork said...

I know a famous & super talented animation creator & a huge fan of the IP - who wanted to turn Buckaroo Banzai into an animated series, but the legal hurdles were to insane to overcome - so he gave up.