Monday, March 22, 2021

Rob's Room: "Leslie Jone's Justice League That Needs to Practice A Little Bit More"

It took me three sittings to complete (which I'm not certain helped or hindered the viewing), but I'll say it... "Zach Snyder's Justice League" is better than the 2017 Frankenstein theatrical release - which is an admittedly low bar. Is it a good film? Not particularly, but it's not terrible either. Zach Snyder can successfully create comic book moments and he strings a whole lot of them together here (I felt similarly about "300" & "Watchmen"). Unfortunately, he takes half those moments and edits them down with ridiculous languid slow motion while fetishizing inanimate objects in their midst (sniffing Aquaman's discarded sweater? flying wiener hot dogs? wtf?). Still, I'm glad they released this... maybe a talented editor can get it down to an enjoyable 3 hours (start by cutting the Epilogue down to a 2 minute post credit sequence and recasting [or even deepfake over] Jessie Eisenberg and Jared Leto).

It also made me remember... I do not miss 4:3 aspect ratio at all!

Better than either of the released versions is the live streamed commentary, "Leslie Jone's Justice League That Needs to Practice A Little Bit More." #longassmovie


Tonebone said...

I think watching Justice League with Leslie Jones would be the only thing worse than watching Justice League alone.

Rob said...

A first viewing... absolutely agree with you, Tonebone. A second viewing with a couple of cocktails in me... I would laugh my ass off!