Thursday, January 28, 2021

Rob's Room: Millie Bobby Brown is Princess Leia [Deepfake]

This one is for our pal, Cal, who operates the FANTASTIC Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool (If you don't follow him, you should bookmark his site asap... though he might stop following us after this post! Haha!). I've thought (to Cal's horror) that Millie Bobbie Brown looks like a young Carrie Fisher. The ESB footage is eerie to me! The only thing that would have made this footage better is if they also replaced Mark Hamill's face with Sebastian Stan's!

1 comment:

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yes, it's done very well and I hate it because of that. She knew I would hate it so that makes her doing it is DELIBERATE. This is what happens when someone has an arch villain and OF COURSE, the one I dislike the most would have something like this made for her. Fuck my life, right?