Saturday, September 9, 2023

Rob's Room: Justice League Copycat Covers by Kevin Maguire

Updated 8/17/24
Thanks to Scifismartass for pointing out that this Marvel Age #32 cover by Paul Smith (circa 1983) pre-dates Kevin Maguire's Justice League cover.  Am curious to know if it was inspiration or coincidence?  If you have any insight, please chime it!


The Dork said...


Snapper Carr said...

Great entry! The Giffen JL and G.I. Joe are two of my faves so I did a mash-up sketch cover last year. :-)

Scifismartass said...

The X-M/AF Marvel Age cover by Paul Smith pre-dates Justice League #1 (1987) by 1-2 years (1985), but I love the similarity.

Rob said...

Haha! Didn't even notice that... Marvel Age #32 is from 1983 according to The Google, so it is well ahead of JL#1! Thanks for keeping us honest, Scifismartass! :)

Scifismartass said...

Glad to help, I love the inclusion. Maybe an inspiration for Maguire? :)

Snapper Carr said...

I haven't done a formal scan, but here's a sketch cover I did of one of my favorite covers of all time.

By the way, the G.I. Joe sketchcard set homage to Jim Lee's X-Men #1 was mine as well. :-)