Friday, October 4, 2019

X-Men Elsewhen by John Byrne

For the first time since I started this blog (10+ years ago) I will be removing posted material. This site has always been a place; which celebrates dorkiness. We make zero money from this site - notice no ads - and work/post on it every day for the love of the medium. We pride ourselves on being a site that never engages in negativity and always promotes positivity. We see this site/blog as a kind of library of coolness which we can share with others.

It has come to my attention posting John Byrne's Fan Fiction X-Men Elsewhen pages has upset him. I have the utmost respect for John Byrne's talent, hard work, and frankly his love of comics. I would never intentionally do anything to upset him.  My posting of the pages here was my way of celebrating his amazing work and me not crediting his site was just a stupid oversight on my part. I have a regular job & family so I miss stuff and this is one of those times. 

John Byrne, I apologize.  I wish you nothing but the best and hope one day you will be able to collect all these wonderful pages into a book that I can buy. If not, I will continue to read them on your site and remember the days as a kid, when buying a back issue of one of your X-Men books with my birthday money was glorious!

The Dork


Scifismartass said...

Love Byrne too, and I wouldn't have seen that wonderful work without your page.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Good on you. I consider it an honor to post anything on my blog. That way it's certified cool and that post about John's work was great. I was only asked to remove one post once because I misquoted the author as being Henry Rollins. It was the way I found it and I was quite willing to change it but trolls tried to bully me into doing that and I don't do ANYTHING a troll tells me to do. I will stick to my guns out of spite just because of spite. Should have asked me nicer. That is my trigger to be an asshole. But John actually was mad??? So you heard from the great man. I never thought of that. Maybe I can get Joe Jusko to be my friend even though he hated my cat caption.

Anonymous said...

I have, for too long now, heard only negative things about John Byrne from way too many sources in his industry and just outside it. If your post got his boxers in a bunch, the polite thing would have been to email you about it, rather than play the victim card. It's been a LONG time since he's been the to-go-to guy for comics, and I've long wondered with his work on the X-Men if I have not been responding more to the gothic stabby ink lines of Terry Austin than I have the soft anatomy drawings of John Byrne, and I say that respecting his work on Fantastic Four and the X-Men... while thinking the FF work was a bit soft by contrast to the run he had on the X-men.

Rob said...

This is a bummer and the kind of thing that takes the wind out of your sails. I've known The Dork for years and he is a sincere fan with genuine enthusiasm for comics and animation. Am sorry to learn John Byrne believed his post to be a misattribution/misappropriation of his works rather than a mistake. I am certain he has encountered many bad actors in these cynical times so I find his reaction understandable, but I also hope Mr. Byrne finds The Dork's culpa mea both acceptable and sincere.

That said, as a regular contributor to this blog, I ask that people who might see something inaccurately attributed, please nudge us and give us a chance to rectify the situation. We can always improve and appreciate when readers assist. I find sites to be better when they are respectfully interactive and always hope that to be the case here. There are enough trolls on the inter-webs, we do our best to not add to that nonsense. Hopefully, our readers are of a similar mindset.

Scott Ruhl said...

Well darn, that's too bad. I never really understand the quelling of fandom.

Anonymous said...

Gosh what a shocker that a guy who been a jerk to fans for half a century is a jerk to fans.

Anonymous said...

How about you delete this sob-story about the big bad Byrne shutting down your well-intended effort to ignore the multiple notices all over his site about not re-posting his stuff?

If you actually want to direct people to see the art on his site, there are simple, classy ways to do it.

The Dork said...

"Anonymous" thank you for the feed back and we're sorry our post upset you.