I once went to a fitness convention in Las Vegas, and the place with jam-packed with people built like Rob Liefeld art. Men with yard-wide shoulders and muscles upon muscles upon muscles... women with breasts the size of volleyballs and impossibly tiny waists... the LV Convention Center was full of them.
It turns out there ARE people who look like what Rob Liefeld draws.
I once went to a fitness convention in Las Vegas, and the place with jam-packed with people built like Rob Liefeld art. Men with yard-wide shoulders and muscles upon muscles upon muscles... women with breasts the size of volleyballs and impossibly tiny waists... the LV Convention Center was full of them.
It turns out there ARE people who look like what Rob Liefeld draws.
But he's still a crap artist.
Liefeld´s masterpiece!!
This guy of picture is a crazy brazilian.
"Do we owe Rob Liefeld an apology?"
No, of course not! What kind of silly question is that?!
I’m with Adam. If anything we need to call more attention to his *ahem, “artistic style” so future generations know what not to do.
You evidence is what I like to call, 'thin'. On freak does not an artist make. We owe Liefeld nothing but a beating.
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