Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rob's Room: Batman Odyssey by Neal Adams

I've been (unsuccessfully) trying to get thru Batman Odyssey by Neal Adams... Can someone explain to me what I am reading?  I honestly don't know if I'm lost or just bored...  It's insane though!

Spoiler (highlight with cursor to read):
After this panel, Batman goes down.  A gunman promptly shoots him in the face... THREE TIMES!... Thankfully, he has some invisible face shield that protects his face from bullets.  Really.  But something as trivial as being shot (at close range) twenty-something times isn't going to stop The Bat... he's able to acrobatically take out a dozen bad guys afterwards...

1 comment:

The Dork said...

I still need to read this - but I felt that way when I read Terror by Frank Miller.