Thursday, March 7, 2013

Matt's Mantel: Kim Jung-Gi Needs His Lifetime Achievement Award NOW.

In the history of art there are those whose names are synonymous with greatness.  Michelangelo, Leonardo, and the rest who were eventually deemed worthy enough to have a Ninja Turtle named after them.  But at what point does someone earn their Turtle Title?  Does an artist have to be dead for centuries for the world to start hanging their work in museums along side those classic artists of yore?  I think when credit is due, we should just skip the whole time will tell routine and just dole it out.  That's where Kim Jung-Gi comes in.  If anyone deserves to have a Ninja Turtle named after them it's this guy. 

You know how some people say, "There's always room for improvement."  (That pancake looked exactly like Mickey Mouse!  You don't know what you're talking about!) 

Well in the case of Kim Jung Gi, it just simply isn't true.  He literally has perfected his craft.  There's no real way to describe it with words.  So I suggest checking out some of the samples provided below and just try to let your mind accept the fact that one of the greats is living in our time.  And how awesome it is to watch his career unfold. 

(What color mask would would the Kim Jung Gi Ninja Turtle have?  Couple years ago I made a turtle costume for Halloween and people made fun of me.  "What's up with that pink mask bro?!"  "It's salmon-colored damn it.  SALMON!")

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