Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Introduction to Kirk-Fu!

The Kirk Drop Kick
The name pretty much says it all. Kirk would kick an opponent in the chest with both of his legs. This may be an effective method of taking someone down, but it would often result in Kirk falling to the ground along with them. 

The Wall of Destruction
Here’s the scene: The Captain and Andorian delegate Thelev, have resorted to duking it out in the halls of the Enterprise. But Kirk knows how to use the walls to his advantage, so instead of just attacking the alien head on, he uses the wall as a jumping off point to fling himself in the alien’s direction – though usually missing and just falling on the floor…

The Human Projectile
Let’s just say the rejected title for this one was the “throw-your-body-horizontally-into-a-group-of-opponents”. Again, this move results in the captain falling to the ground.

Bowling for Bad Guys
Here’s an interesting technique we stumbled upon while watching the TOS episode “The Apple”. I think the idea is to knock over your opponent by taking out their legs. This method used by Kirk is most interesting. 

The Smooch n’ Smack
Captain Kirk plays it suave with the ladies in order to catch them off their guard and then smack em’ across the face. Good luck getting a second date there Captain Fabio.

The Cold Boulder
Classic moment where Kirk chucks a rock the size of his head at the The Gorn, which really only makes the giant lizard mad and ends up with Kirk dodging a boulder twice his size. Good thing the Captain is also a skilled geologist to get himself out of this one… Captain Kirk — YOU ROCK! 

The Kirk Chop
Is there any dangerous situation that a 1960′s style karate chop can’t solve? One chop to the back of the neck… or side of the neck… or the general shoulder region… produces instant unconsciousness, but only in henchmen. While this was one of Kirk’s favorites, it was also a move utilized by much of the Enterprise crew. Here Bones’ shows that he has learned much from Sensei Kirk.


Rob said...

Awesome! I love the Kirk chop!

B McMolo said...

If I come across another page on the internet I enjoy more than this one, I will be genuinely surprised. Perfect way to start the day.