Friday, March 29, 2013

Rob's Room: Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise CSF

I always wanted one of these as a kid... the older kids always seemed to have them!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Batman: Dead End - 10 Years Later

Dork Note: The Fan film that BLEW MY MIND! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

After Ever After - DISNEY Parody

Matt's Mantle: Zoom, Enhance? Haha. Yeah, Right. Like That Will Ever Be a Thing... What? It's a Thing? Oh My God, Am I a Replicant?

Remember that time in 1989 when you were watching Blade Runner for the first time.  And you were both simultaneously thinking to yourself, 

"This movie is kind of slow, but like, way more interesting than I thought it was going to be.  Holy crap, look at the production design.  Nergasm!"  

And then a ways into the movie Deckard went all "Zoom, Enhance" on some crappy photo with what looked like a VHS photo reader and you thought to yourself, 

"Haha, no way.  That's stupid. Not even highly impressionable 1980s me would buy that for a dollar."  

And then the scene got even more ridiculous when at the end of the scene he enhances it beyond space time and see's what's going on behind an object in the photo.  And you said to yourself,


This bad boy allows you to take a photograph, and then later readjust the focus after the fact.  Not to mention, it will allow you to slightly readjust perspective to see behind objects.  I'm pretty sure this is powered by the hearts of orphan children through some black magic sorcery.  But at the end of the day we can all agree that there's too many orphans in the world, so it's really win/win. Check out the Lytro Official Site to see it in action. 

Rob's Room: The Empire Visits the Magic Kingdom

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rob's Room: Madman Party Pin-Up by Michel Fiffe & Mike Allred

Read the full (and FUN) story of Rough Sketch to Ink & Paint at this here link:
Madman Party Pin-Up by Michel Fiffe & Mike Allred

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dork Note: My 4 year old daughter LOVES the Minions! We are sooo there!

Rob's Room: Luke's Change: An Inside Job

It's so obvious now!

An Introduction to Kirk-Fu!

The Kirk Drop Kick
The name pretty much says it all. Kirk would kick an opponent in the chest with both of his legs. This may be an effective method of taking someone down, but it would often result in Kirk falling to the ground along with them. 

The Wall of Destruction
Here’s the scene: The Captain and Andorian delegate Thelev, have resorted to duking it out in the halls of the Enterprise. But Kirk knows how to use the walls to his advantage, so instead of just attacking the alien head on, he uses the wall as a jumping off point to fling himself in the alien’s direction – though usually missing and just falling on the floor…

The Human Projectile
Let’s just say the rejected title for this one was the “throw-your-body-horizontally-into-a-group-of-opponents”. Again, this move results in the captain falling to the ground.

Bowling for Bad Guys
Here’s an interesting technique we stumbled upon while watching the TOS episode “The Apple”. I think the idea is to knock over your opponent by taking out their legs. This method used by Kirk is most interesting. 

The Smooch n’ Smack
Captain Kirk plays it suave with the ladies in order to catch them off their guard and then smack em’ across the face. Good luck getting a second date there Captain Fabio.

The Cold Boulder
Classic moment where Kirk chucks a rock the size of his head at the The Gorn, which really only makes the giant lizard mad and ends up with Kirk dodging a boulder twice his size. Good thing the Captain is also a skilled geologist to get himself out of this one… Captain Kirk — YOU ROCK! 

The Kirk Chop
Is there any dangerous situation that a 1960′s style karate chop can’t solve? One chop to the back of the neck… or side of the neck… or the general shoulder region… produces instant unconsciousness, but only in henchmen. While this was one of Kirk’s favorites, it was also a move utilized by much of the Enterprise crew. Here Bones’ shows that he has learned much from Sensei Kirk.

Rob's Room: Tide Does Wonders for Superman’s Costume

Tide does wonders for Superman’s costume

I kinda like the costume design for Supergirl more than for Superman (maybe it's the addition of red)...

Wizard's Paradise X Article


Monday, March 18, 2013

Rob's Room: Skottie Young's Wolverine #1 Variant Cover

Skottie Young's Wolverine vs. Cyclops.
Scott Summers was always a snitch!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rob's Room: Gene Simmons by Bruce Timm

♪♫♫♪♪♫♫  I want to Rock & Roll all night . . . and part of every day!  ♫♫♪♪♫♫
(that's how I sing it, anyhow!)

Friday, March 15, 2013

John Carter of Mars Review by My name is Joe...

...and I love movies!

Dork Note: The Dork Review is introducing a new segment to review movies - so everyone say hi to Joe!
My name is Joe: I love movies, I know that many reviewers say that, but I honestly love all movies. Good movies, B-rated movies, I even like horrible movies; movies with great plots (Life of Pi) and movies with absolutely horrendous plots (Last Air Bender… threw up in my mouth a little). There is something about surrendering your imagination for several hours and allowing a team of directors, producers, animators, and key grips to take you to places that you yourself could not think of on your best day dream. I know this sounds like an excerpt from the Reading Rainbow, but it’s true. However, this is the problem I have with regular reviewers; they seem to have forgotten the simplicity of the movie experience. It doesn’t matter if a movie is believable or realistic, it’s a movie; I don’t care how the hero can pull out a rocket launcher from his back pocket, it’s awesome. I am blown away by the imagination of anyone that can put together a script, a group of actors, and some plot points and make a movie.

John Carter was one of those movies I was proud of supporting. Don’t focus on the fact that it takes place on Mars, or that fact that the whole plot of the movie is based on the fact that one does not simply fax himself across huge swathes space quicker than you can send and receive a text. I love the beauty and the audacity of what the movie is trying to do. 

The book, Princess of Mars, in which this movie is based on, was original in what Edgar Rice Burrows was trying to imagine for a different culture and a different time. Now fast forward hundreds of scfi movies (War of the Worlds, Star Wars, Starship Troopers, etc.) and you can get the impression that this genre is somewhat played out. I have to disagree.

Maybe I’m a hopeless romantic, or maybe I have a soft spot for a good guy gets the girl type movie but the way John Carter goes about it seems fresh, new, and entertaining.

The movie starts out with a young Edgar Burrows getting a summons from his rich, eccentric uncle John Carter. By the time young Edgar arrives, John Carter dies from a mystery illness and is quickly entombed. Not only does Edgar inherit all of his uncles wealth he also inherits a mysterious journal chronicling his uncles exploits around the world and the solar system. 

From this point we are taken on a journey that his both hard to believe and hard to not be entertained by. I won’t give you a point by point blow of the movie or even give away any spoilers. I will merely say that this movie is about redemption and renewal. 

John Carter lost everything, and if you have ever been in that same position you too would wish for an escape from your surroundings. The greatest point about this movie is that John felt more like an alien on earth than he ever does on Mars. Sure the story is a mix of Aladdin and Dances with Wolves but I’m not sure that’s a bad thing.

So please rent this movie and sit back and enjoy a story where the good guy gets the princess…on Mars.