First Look at “Warrior Wonder Woman" by Meagan Marie
Inspired by an original design artist Tess Fowler and I collaborated on, the concept draws from several iterations of Wonder Woman throughout the years, peppered with original elements. While I adore Linda Carter’s version of Wonder Woman (“In your satin tights, fighting for your rights!”), I’ve always preferred the first lady of comics as a warrior. An Amazon. A total BAMF. We’ll debut the full illustration at a later date!
I’ll also put together extensive build notes and credits soon, but a huge shout out goes to Thomas Ignatius, who’s been my leatherworking mentor over the last few months. I constructed all of the costume (armor, props, skirt, belt, and so on) aside from the corset. Having never made one this complex, Tom and I knocked out the corset over a very long day, with me playing assistant. His incredible skill with leather shines through in the shape and fit of it. Perfect. I then took the corset home detailed it with the eagle crest, rivets, and dirt/blood.
Hope you like the photos! More to come later tonight
Photo by OnLivo
Dork Note: I luv how far cosplayers take their craft and how much more awesome it is then A LOT of what Hollywood costume designers are doing in this genre.
Awesomeness confirmed.
I think what this thoroughly demonstrates is what happens when people give a shit. Clearly the Hollywood production team in the "official" costume just didn't care at all.
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