Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ray Bradbury passes on...he will be missed.

As reported by io9

Dork Note: Bradbury was the first sci-fi author (outside of comics) I read as a kid. His work had a profound impact on me and started me on a path that continues to this day.

I was very fortunate to have met him a few years ago at SDCC. He was there with Julius Schwartz. I usually do not intrude when I see "famous" people; especially if they are engaged in a conversation, but I had to tell him how much I respected his work. And that is exactly what I did:)

I shook his hand and told him it was an honor to meet him. He was very nice and polite and I quickly excused myself so he could continue talking to Julie. Who in hind sight I wish I had also introduced myself too...a missed opportunity:(

He will be sorely missed.

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