Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Avatar series coming to Dark Horse!

Dork Note: I am very excited to hear this news and hope they do justice to the series; which I thoroughly enjoyed. Dark Horse PLEASE do not skimp out on the art; which tends to happen with licensed properties .

Clipped from

Reprints: The Lost Adventures will follow later in the year, containing 240 pages -- 70 of which are previously unpublished content. According to Dark Horse's official press release, all stories are in-continuity, meaning that even though they were "lost" to fans, their events reflect the original animated series.

New Series: TLAB stories set for 2012 will be published in a manga-like digest sized, which seems to reflect the anime flavor of the original show. Similar to DH's Buffy series, the new adventures will act as a kind of "season four" and build upon the established continuity of previous animated episodes.

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