Sunday, December 19, 2010

Costly TPB: X-Men Zero Tolerance

Costly TPB: are usually books; which had a low run and now are out of print (OOP).
Dork Note: Sometimes it takes me years to get one of these Costly TPB at a decent price. This particular TPB was hard to find, because the binding was done so poorly the book just falls apart. I have bought this book twice, because the first one didn't survive the first reading.

X-Men Zero Tolerance TPB was part of a run of TPBs in 2001; which were done extremely poorly/cheaply. The binding used glue with no stitching; which did not hold together and the printing was so offset it looked blurry.

X-Men: Zero Tolerance (2001)
Cover Price: $24.95
Currently at Amazon store (not on Ebay): $62.99
Reprints: Cable #45-47, Generation X #27, Wolverine #115-118, X-Force #67-69, and X-Men #65-70

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