Friday, November 5, 2010

SERIOUSLY! What are you thinking Joe Madureira?

I really try and make this a positive site. There are enough naysayers and shit stirrers on-line already, but this is BEYOND LAME! Here is my gripe!

In 1998 Joe Madureira created his own series called Battle Chasers. The series ran a total of 9 issues with a 0 issue, but was never finished. I wrote this about that...
BATTLE CHASERS, written and drawn by Joe Madureira.
This series actually had a lot of issues in before it fell unfinished...9 in total with a few variety covers. The series was launched in 1998 under the Wildstorm imprint Cliffhanger (how ironic) . The book was plagued with major delays with the longest being issue #7; taking 16 months to come out after issue #6. Issue #9 came out in 2001 and was left were not happy and Joe Madureira was tagged with the stigma/curse of "late or never". He said in 2005..."one of those things that I think about every once in a while, and not having finished it bums me out… I would love to do it at some point, but it would be very far out."
OK, so I'm cruising the Amazon listings and I come across this...BATTLE CHASERS ANTHOLOGY HC S/N LTD ED. I

Then I look at the Price listed...wait for it...$150.00! A whopping ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY DOLLARS! (before Amazon's discount).

So I'm thinking, what the fuck! But then it dawns on me. Holy shit, he is releasing the collected series, but is finishing it off. Adding some major pages to complete the story. Still pricey, but if there are another 4 to 6 issues worth of new material then I kind of understand. Then I read the description...

Collecting every issue ever published of one of the most beloved comic book series of all time, this over-sized graphic novel is bursting at the seams with adventure! Follow young Gully as she searches for her missing father with the help of Garrison, a legendary swordsman; Knolan, the crafty wizard; Calibretto, an outlawed Wargolem; and the notorious mercenary Red Monika! Assaulted at every turn by a cast of memorable villains, Battle Chasers is packed with over-the-top action from cover to cover! Don't miss this definitive collection, which includes never-before-seen sketches and new artwork, including a fold-out poster! Collects BATTLE CHASERS #0-9

Look at that, look at that! It is only the original 9 issues with a 0 issue thrown in...SERIOUSLY! You want us to pay $150.00 for 10 issues of collected material. That is $15 dollars an issue. I can buy all 10 issues on Ebay for less then $10. So like the title of this blog post says,

SERIOUSLY! What are you thinking Joe Madureira?

Thumbs down to you sir. Thumbs down!

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