Friday, April 25, 2008

Review by the Dork: Fear Agent Volume 1: Re-Ignition TPB

Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Tony Moore
Publisher: Image Comics (June 21, 2006)
: $13.95 (Softcover-Out of Print)
Format: TPB
Includes: Fear Agent #1-4

This is a great series both in issue form and trade paperback. It is a modern day take on the old style EC Comics Weird Science books. Rick Remender took his love for these fantastic stories and paid true homage to them.

I enjoyed that Rick Remender just jumps into this space adventure with little back story or explanation. Right out of the gate we get space truckers, tentacled beasts, alien cavemen, a drunk texas spaceman exterminator with a ray and a jetpack, a giant squid brain and a full page explosion, and that's just the first issue.

Tony Moore's artwork and storytelling is clear, action packed and very well paced. His artwork reflects and supports the charm of the story.

Neither the artwork nor the story overwhelm the reader, but instead compliment each other; which is a credit to both Rick and Tony.

The third leg in this creative tripod is Lee Louridge's colors, which are AMAZING! Vibrant, cool, and perfect.

In the end, Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers got nothing on Heath Huston, Fear Agent.

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