Clipped from Comic Art Fan: 1st Bill Willingham Elementals Art - Promo Poster & Justice Machine Annual #1. Charles Costas write, "At first, I didn't know exactly what this piece
was. It seemed to be an early Elementals piece and others had found a
promo poster in which it was used, but as I did more research, I found
that it was actually the first Elementals piece use to promote the team
and it actually pre-dated Justice Machine Annual #1 (their first
appearance). The piece actually does appear in Justice
Machine Annual #1 - in an ad on the back page. At one point, it was
being promoted as the cover to #1, but Texas Comics never ended up
printing the book and a new cover was developed by the time Comico
decided to publish the book. This piece was also likely
referenced when Michael Golden created the cover to Justice Machine
Annual #1(see below). The similarities are uncanny. Evidence that
this piece pre-dates Justice Machine Annual #1 comes from the 1983 El
Paso Comic-Con program. In the program, it shows a picture of this
piece and talks about the upcoming Justice Machine story that was in the
Michael Golden Artwork
Other Early Elemental Artwork by Bill Willingham
Dork Note: One of my lottery dreams - buy this property back from whoever currently owns it and give it to Bill Willingham to reboot. The original first story arc of this series was one of my favorites of all time!
1 comment:
Old post, but oh wells...
I absolutely loved this series back in the day, when Willingham was still at the helm. Claremont's run on X-Men was great, don't get me wrong, but sort of "in the shadows" you had titles like Elementals and Mage and Grendel that were just taking the whole genre and bodyslamming it. (Got my signed issue No. 17 with Captain Cadaver up on the wall, BTW...)
I'm looking at YOU Netflix, now that you're tasked with coming up with more original content. Adapt this shiz.
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