Friday, March 10, 2023

Rob's Room: Super Star Trek Reimagined with the UI of Star Trek 25th Anniversary by emabolo

I used to love the Star Trek 25th Anniversary game!
Super Star Trek reimagined with the UI of Star Trek 25th Anniversary by emabolo
This free fan game is a remake/conversion of the 1978 strategy game Super Star Trek reimagined with the UI of one of my favorite games ever: Star Trek 25th Anniversary. 
Super Star Trek was written by Bob Leedom and David Ahl and published in the book BASIC COMPUTER GAMES in 1978. I added graphics and sound to this game some time ago when I ported it to PICO-8. This required some mechanics and user interface changes, but the spirit of the game was left intact. 
 Being a massive fan of the 1992 Interplay adventure Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, at some point, I had an idea: why not merge the graphics of the Interplay adventure with the mechanics of the strategy game? The result is Super Star Trek but played on the Enterprise's bridge. In short, you will be playing the strategy game on the main screen of the Enterprise, but you will issue commands by interacting with Sulu, Chekov, Spock, Scott, and Uhura. Additionally, I added original voices from the TV series to make things even more nostalgic.

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