Friday, March 10, 2023

Hasbro to Pause Marvel Legends 3-3/4 Retro Action Figures

The Marvel Legends retro figures will go on indefinite hiatus for now. Hasbro’s quick to note, however, that they aren’t cancelled, but “resting.” There’s a chance for a return at some point in the future, but not any time soon.

DORK NOTE: Here at the Dork Review we try and always approach dorkness with positivity. But this really bums me out and makes me mad! I recently just bought all the X-men Legend Retro figures - Cyclops, Phoenix, Dark 
Phoenix, Iceman, Storm, Wolverine (both Yellow & Brown), Magneto, & the Sentinel. 

At first I was hesitant to buy them (being a completists), because I didn't want to end up where we are right now - with half the figures never coming out! So I waited and waited and after the Sentinel came out I was like, "OK, Hasbro is committed to finishing this toy line!" I dropped some serious cash and bought all the X-Men figures with the last one arriving just a week ago. And now Hasbro drops this bomb and I'm stuck with half a collection. No Professor X, No Colossus, No Nightcrawler, No Beast, No Angel! I'm seriously tempted to just pack up these figures in box or sell them all on Ebay.

Of course Hasbro is saying its just a "resting" period and its not officially over. But if their "resting" period is anything like the "short break" my first girlfriend told me we were on then I'm not holding my breathe! :)


  1. Well, shoot. This was unexpected.

    At least we’ll still get Doom, Cage, and Spider-Woman before this rest period begins.

    I’m just glad they put Ghost Rider out before all that!

  2. I don’t care if they ever bring them back, I just want them to start using the plastic windows again on the Legends (and black series and GI Joe classified) packaging!

  3. Whenever I’m in a Target I always check to see if they have any. Just looking to buy silver age figures and picked up a Black Panther here at a comic store in Vegas.
