Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Rob's Room: Star Trek: The Wake

Star Trek: The Wake
This short story takes place just after the events on Veridian III as shown in Star Trek: Generations. 
Seems like a good way to end the year. 
"To absent friends."

Written by Jeffrey Lang 
Art and letters by Steve Lieber 
Colours by Wildstorm FX 

A Star Trek comic story I drew way back in 2001. Jeff Lang’s script was sweet and sad and I tried my best to live up to it in the drawing. My line art in those days was all analog- just ink on paper. Wildstorm editorial was remarkably hands-off. They asked for a few redraws on my Leonard Nimoy likenesses, and requested that I soften my drawings of Dr. McCoy. In the story he’s on his deathbed, and was over 140 years old, so in the first draft, I drew him looking pretty rough. But my editor told me that they were going to run the art past DeForest Kelley’s family for approval, and I didn’t want what I’d drawn to seem disrespectful, or remind the family of DK’s illness, so I was more than happy to rework a few panels.

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