Thursday, September 8, 2022

Rob's Room: Giant Comics to Color (Whitman, 1975)

Giant Comics to Color (Whitman, 1975) - via Twitter


  1. Oh my god.. .I had that Superman one, and vowed to color it as accurately and neatly as I could, from cover to cover... so I made a blanket fort, got my crayons, and got to work. When I emerged from my fort with one page done, I realized I had, in the dark of the fort, mistaken violet for blue, and Superman was now wearing violet. I was crushed, and never colored another page.

  2. Thank you for sharing - I remember seeing the Batman one at Longs Drug store and really wanted it, but for some reason my mom didn't buy it for me. I can't remember why, but if I had to guess I was probably being a shit and didn't deserve it! :)

  3. Love that story! I did something similar with my Batman: Cast N Paint statue. I must have lost the correct paint color, so decided to try out some random red paint I found in the garage. I ended up so mad a myself - Batman shouldn't be red! I never finished painting it (and don't know why it never occurred to me to prime it and start over... I probably had no idea what primer even was back then).
