Tuesday, February 14, 2017

X-Men Pop-Up by Andy Mansfield

Info: Celebrate the select team of mutant teenage heroes known as the X-Men! This second in a series for real Marvel fans features original 1960s comic-book excerpts, leap-out-at-you metallic pop-ups, dramatic action-packed gatefolds, and slide-out fact files on such classic Marvel characters as Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Magneto, Storm, Nightcrawler, Banshee, and Colossus. Kwa-thoom!

Dork Note: Here are some addtional Marvel Pop-Up books; which I don't own. I will eventually get around to owning them, because I'm a Dork!

The Amazing Spider-Man Pop-Up: Marvel True Believers Retro Collection

The Fantastic Four Pop-Up: Marvel True Believers Retro Collection

The Incredible Hulk Pop-Up: Marvel True Believers Retro Collection

1 comment:

  1. Banshee's in there cause it looks like its just the "All-New All-Different" Lineup... specifically the Giant Size cast. Was hoping for a Phoenix spread! Guess Sunfire and Thunderbird don't rate, bub.
