Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wanted Poster: George Perez's Pinups

Dork Note: Here are two pieces of artwork by George Perez; which I would like to see DC release as either posters or in a portfolio set.


  1. Just like Perez' Maestro from the other day, Tom Smith offered the JLA/JSA one as a newly recolored print on eBay a couple years ago. I own it (and the Maestro one as well)! I do have to say, though, I wasn't a fan of the paper he used for the print, it was a very textured matte.

    Anyway, it might be worth getting in touch with him to see if he still has any (he also had your JLA/Avengers as a print). He doesn't appear to have anything at all on eBay lately. He is recovering from a stroke last year.

    Your pal in Milwaukee,

  2. I talked with Tom Smith on Facebook, and he is still offering prints... just not on eBay. I don't see the Maestro print, but I do see the JLA/JSA one and other gorgeous pieces. Get in touch with him on Facebook if you're interested.
