Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rob's Room: Dr. Strange by Chickenz

Dr. Strange by Chickenz

SPOILER FREE MOVIE REVIEW: I really enjoyed the Dr. Strange film!  I made a point to avoid as much intel as I could before this was released and it actually enhanced my enjoyment of this film.  Benedict Cumberbatch was an ideal selection for a hero who acts like an arrogant bastard.  I thought the Steve Ditko inspired sequences were mind-blowing... it can't be a coincidence that California legalized marijuana the week this movie was released! ;)  I understand the gripe about Tilda Swinton being cast as The Chosen One, but still think she did a solid job.  I am always wanting to watch Chiwetel Ejiofor and this is no exception.  My only real quibble is that Mads Mikkelsen's villain is not all that interesting (but villain's have often seemed to get short-changed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Civil War, Thor: The Dark World, etc.).  
Would love to hear other Dork's opinions in the comments!

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