Thursday, February 25, 2016

Rob's Room: A Field Guide to the New Age of the Super-Villain!

Don't often reference GQ for the Dork Review, but this seems relevant... 
A Field Guide to the New Age of the Super-Villain! by Arthur Adams
  • Donald Trump
  • Sepp Blatter
  • Martin Shkreli
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Kris Jenner

1 comment:

  1. As much as I hate these scumbags, I will say that artist Arthur Adams captured them to the letter.

    Now the big question: do we find real life heroes to fight them or bring in the All New, All Different Avengers? I'm leaning towards the latter if only to see Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) offer Trump a two-fisted knuckle sandwich that knocks that piece of road kill off his douche-nozzle.
