Wednesday, December 3, 2014

DC Heroes Metal Figure Set

The DC Heroes Roleplaying Game : The DC Heroes RPG was published in 1985, while supplements continued to come out until 1989. In time, most of the major DC superteams (of the time) had their own sourcebooks, including the Justice League, The Teen Titans, and the Legion of Superheroes. Some of these books are now collectors items, while the entire DC Heroes line is remembered as a good rule system that may have never quite gotten its due. DC Heroes roleplaying still has a devoted following of players who'll argue that this is the best system ever devised for comic book battle resolution. While it has the cross-referenced charts that were so popular in the 80s, the use of these charts doesn't take long and the ability of characters to allot hero points in battle is a good way to mimic the kind of fights you have in comics.

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