Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Rob's Room: "Accent on the First E" by George Pérez

George Pérez limited edition portfolio circa 1977


  1. I'm sorry, I have to say it. George Perez is a terrible comic artist. His style is just plain boring and he can't draw a face to save his ass.

  2. @j-swin - Just curious. Who are your top 5 comic artists in the past 30 years?

  3. Yeah, I was curious about that too, because George Perez is definitely in my Top Ten list of all time.

  4. @ Snapper Carr.
    My list no particular order is as follows:
    bill sienkiewicz
    Alex Ross
    Amanda Connor
    Neal Adams
    Frank miller
    And Darwyn Cooke & Tim sale for good measure

    We're all allowed to like different artist and just because one has been around a long time doesn't mean we have to love them.

  5. Ps. I also like John Byrne and mike mignola

  6. Interesting comment thread. j-swin, there is nothing wrong with having different preferences! I personally love George Perez... but only when he's drawing Marvel characters. His DC stuff doesn't quite ring true to me (which is funny given my CRISIS post that's scheduled to post on Monday!). ...CRISIS may be my exception...

  7. Dork, Snapper Carr, who are in your lists?

  8. j-swin - my "top 5" list changes based on the parameters. If I do a "top 5" list; which takes in an artists entire career. My "top 5" list would be (in no particluar order):
    John Byrne
    Alan Davis
    Naoki Urasawa
    Art Adams
    George Perez

    My "top 5" for artist at a particular point in their career.
    Frank Miller (80's)
    Neal Adams (70's)
    Alex Ross (90's)
    John Byrne (Late 70's early 80's)
    Bill Sienkiewicz (80's)

    My "top 5" for artist from a historical perspective.
    Jack Kirby
    Neal Adams
    John Bynre
    Frank Miller
    Alex Ross
    Honorary Mention - Jim Lee

    My "top 5" for artist that are amazing to me.
    Frank Quitely
    Alan Davis
    Frank Cho
    Alex Toth
    Kevin MaGuire and J.L Garcia-Lopez (tie)

  9. Rob - your high:) George Perez's run on the New Teen Titans is one of the best runs on comics EVER!

  10. @Dork: When I think of his Teen Titans, I cannot get the image of Robin's thighs out of my head! Ugh... Thanks for putting that image into my brain... jerk! ;)

  11. dork: those are killer lists! lee's early stuff is the best. i too love cho and jl garcia lopez. adam hughes and terry dodson are in there too, they're like to modern vargas and elvgren.

  12. j-swin: damn I forgot about Adam Hughes and Terry Dodson they would definitely fall under my amazed list. They are truly masters of their craft. My daughter has Terry Dodson's Wonder Woman poster in her room!

  13. Oh Rob, don't be afraid of a little boy wonder naked thigh! If its good enough for Batman it should be good enough for you - HAHAHAHHAHHA!

  14. Hell, I've got a terry dodson ww poster in my room right beside my wife's hunger games posters

  15. @j-swin

    If I had to distill down to 5 in which I drop everything just to see their work at any point of their career it would be

    Art Adams
    Michael Golden
    Adam Hughes
    Carlos Pacheco
    George Perez

    If I could have a next five:

    Mike Mignola
    Ivan Reis
    Kevin Maguire
    Frank Cho
    Jack Kirby

  16. See Snapper Carr? More similar than different.

  17. @j-swin - I forgot to mention yours is an outstanding list. I just wanted to know where you were coming from. I agree with Dork that it's different (pencil) strokes for different folks. I guess as a fan of alpha superhero teams and like the JLA, New Teen Titans, and Avengers and sweeping epics, I'm extremely partial to Perez in his detail, consistency, draftsmanship, perspectives, and straight prolific output. But I'm the reverse of Dork as I don't like Perez's Avengers work as much as his JLA's. For me, aside from Garcia Lopez, Perez's rendition is my definitive iconic JLA.

  18. @Snapper Carr: maybe it's time I give Perez a second look.

  19. Perez is my personal all time favorite artist period. I especially love his early to mid 80’s style most, with the TNTT Poster and the marker colored covers I’m same style as the pinicle for me. My favorite Superman even was Perez’s on the cover of ComicScene magazine. Byrne is likely my second favorite. And all the artist listed are very good.
    But to say Perez was a bad artist is disingenuous. To say he isn’t your cup of tea is a fair statement.
    He is one of the few that Byrne hasn’t spoken negatively of ... so there that :)
