Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rob's Room: PrestoMagix Dry Transfer Game

Anyone else have PrestoMagix when they were kids?  I thought they were fun for the 15 minutes I got to play, adhering the images, but then would spend the next day trying to figure out what else to do with them.  I still have a soft spot for seeing them after all these years...  I found these on the Enigma Force flickr account which has a ton of images of cool toys from my childhood!

1 comment:

  1. Nice find. I used to love those Spiderman and Buck Rogers ones. I put some of those on a trapper-keeper of mine that lasted for several years, which is kind of funny to think of now. A checkout impulse buy by my parents led to that image of the Lizard following me through elementary school and early junior high...
