Sunday, April 21, 2013

Green Lantern Review by My name is Joe...

...and one does not simply make a movie about the Green Lantern.

This is a hard movie to review for several reasons. First, it’s a classic hero movie, meaning we have seen this same type of plot, punch lines, villains and saved-at-the-last-second scenarios a hundred times. Also, this particular hero already has a long standing mythos and world vision that, regardless of what the movie is, like will undoubtedly step on the toes of its devoted fans. Finally, the hardest reason this will be a difficult movie to review is because of the high expectations one has before they even turn the blu-ray player on.

To begin you must first turn your expectation nob way down, once you have done that the movie is quite enjoyable. The story centers around Ryan Reynolds, I’m sorry I mean Hal Jordan played by Ryan Reynolds, and his childhood sweet heart turned boss Coral Ferris, played by Blake Blabahblah. If you are a fan of Ryan and his type of witty rhetoric then you will hands down love this movie, no questions asked. If you are one of those dedicated Green Lantern fans I mentioned above, then you should take the DVD in your hands and snap it in half right now. 

However, if you are someone who can for 114 minutes shut your brain off and enjoy a quick hero bash then you will kinda like this movie. It’s fast paced, humorous and full of world devouring goodness. The main character has just enough daddy issues to keep you interested in his back story and the damsel in distress seems to always be in distress. The bad guys are gross, cranially distorted lunatics with daddy issues of their own; and to top it off you get, not one, but two evil villains in this movie.

The director seems to sacrifices cohesive plot and character development for fantastic CGI and Blake Blahbablah. I hate being negative and I really did enjoy watching this movie. I cannot imagine the difficultly the production team had when they took on the task (post Christopher Nolan’s Batman) of bringing to life such an iconic super hero. 

The real shining moment in the movie is in the rendering of the Green Lantern universe. When you are brought to the realm of the Green Lantern core you see where the real care and details were spent. The actors of the other Green Lanterns are so well played you are left wishing the movie had been about them instead of Ryan Reynolds (I mean Hal Jordan, that is his name right?). So if you want to see a movie featuring the color green and big gobs of powerful bling then this movie for you.

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