Monday, August 27, 2012

Just'a Lotta Animals

Super-Squirrel: a squirrel; analog of Superman. Super-Squirrel has a vast array of Chiptonian superpowers, including flight, super vision, and super strength. His main weakness was to chiptonite. Super-Squirrel lived in the city of Muttropolis. Super-Squirrel has a crush on Wonder Wabbit, and displays jealousy when she and Captain Carrot flirt with each other. Unlike Superman, Super-Squirrel comes off as somewhat pompous and self-aggrandizing, in contrast to the Man of Steel's more amiable personality.

Batmouse: a mouse; analog of Batman. Batmouse used a wide array of gadgets in his fight against his various foes, often with the aid of his sidekick, Boyd the Robin Wonder (a robin; analog of Batman's sidekick, Robin).

Wonder Wabbit: a rabbit; analog of Wonder Woman. Wonder Wabbit made use of her Animalzon superpowers and tools in fighting crime, including super strength, invulnerable bracelets, a magic lasso, and a see-through robot airplane. Wonder Wabbit originally came from Parrot-Eyes Island.

Green Lambkin: a male lamb; analog of the Silver Age Green Lantern. Green Lambkin used his power ring in fighting crime; however, his ring had two weaknesses: a 24-hour charge limit (after which it had to be recharged) and a weakness against the color yellow. Green Lambkin was a member of the Green Lambkin Corps, and served the Goat-Guardians of the planet Uh-Oh.

The Crash: a turtle; analog of the Silver Age Flash. The Crash was gifted with the power of super speed. According to Captain Carrot #14, he was presumably inspired to become the Crash by reading comic books of (Earth-C's) the Terrific Whatzit as a youth, just as Barry Allen (the Flash of Earth-One) was inspired by reading comics of the adventures of Jay Garrick (the Flash of Earth-Two).

Aquaduck: a duck; analog of Aquaman. Aquaduck possessed the ability to swim at terrific speeds, survive the ocean depths, breathe underwater, and communicate telepathically with sea-based animals.

Other members of Just'a Lotta Animals include:

Green Sparrow: a sparrow; analog of Green Arrow.
Stacked Canary: a canary; analog of Black Canary.
Hawkmoose: a moose; analog of the Silver Age Hawkman.
The Martian Anteater: an anteater from Mars (of the Earth-C-Minus universe); analog of the Martian Manhunter.
The Item: an elephant; analog of the Silver Age Atom.
Elong-Gator: an alligator; analog of the Elongated Man.
Firestork: a stork; analog of Firestorm.
Zap-Panda: a panda; analog of Zatanna.
The Rat Tornado: a rat; analog of the Silver Age Red Tornado.

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